TI Gets Into Trouble with Prison Officials For Riding Home in a Luxury Bus

The rapper TI has been sent back to prison for a very strange reason:  Because he rode home on a luxury tour bus.   The Federal Bureau of Prisons shows that he is at the Atlanta penitentiary with a release date of September 29.   TI’s attorney says that the problems emerged from TI’s use of a luxury tour bus to ride to his halfway house.   Also, according to Steve Sadow, a representative of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the bueau “has moved T.I. to a different facility.”

Sadow did not elaborate as to the exact cause of concern about the bus and said that it was not drug-related.

“There appears to be confusion surrounding the method of transportation,” Sadow said.

TI’s wife Tiny Cottle is outraged over the incident.  She claims that the prison officials knew about the bus before TI got on it.  She even says that they took pictures with him before he left.  According to Tiny, they “Walked him over, took pics and told him good luck in life.”

Regarding the statement by prison officials, Tiny was blunt:  “This is a bunch of bulls**t … they should have said something before he got on the bus … T.I. would have politely gotten into a van.”

She went on to say that “T.I. is one of the strongest individuals I know … and they just trying to break him in more ways than one and it’s not gonna work! ‘Cause what God got for him, can’t no man take that away … period!”

Posted on September 2, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. When The Most GOD have something for you It’s yours. Man can try to deter it but lack the ability to stop it

  2. that is beautiful i needed that today thank u

  3. Empress Qyneares


  4. I just don’t understand why some white folks jusy hate , the young blacks who are making money, that is what it’s all about.

  5. Umm, T.I. should have thought about all his dumb shit when he was doing dumb shit…When you are State property and that is what he has made himself, you do State things…Everyone knows he is T.I., did he have to flaunt it with a tour bus going from jail to a half-way house? For real!!!T.I. needs to get his shit together…He does not have “hood money” anymore so he should stop doing “hood things”…I see a lot of our young black males who have become rich and successful in life….Put down stupid shit!!!T. I. is not going to be satisfied until his ass is broke and then it will be the white mans fault…I am black, and with the comments I have read above, come on black people…

  6. I think that is is ridiculous!! What difference does it make how he was transported after he has served his time. I agree with Tiny, this is bulls–t!!!

  7. What is it with prison’s. Tiny’s telling the truth. They knew he was leaving in hi tour bus. Like tiny stated. Had TI known he couldn’t leave in his bus. He would’ve gladly/proudly taken a van. It’s sad because I feel they used TI. Meaning, Tiny stayed they took photo’s w/TI before hw departed that prison. Shame on them. Something much happen. This has to end. thank you, shayshy34 J’ville, Fl

  8. Wow poor guy. Cant follow directions is the problem. Really is this a race issue or did a felon, try to buy automatic weapons, which would have any other felon or more likely than not anyone get a little more time than he did. Yes he did do a public service and take responsibility while publicizing his good intentions and did some community service/ self service and do a few episodes on MTV preaching to at risk youth before serving his year or so to complete a sentence which was unheard of unless your T.I. for not just trying to purchase automatic weapons. But being a felon and knowing you are not allowed to handle a 22 pistol. So you get released drop an album, maybe not as financially well as you once were but definitly more well off than most in the country. Then we go to California rent a Maybach sports car, get wifey in the passenger seat, pop some ectasy but ensure that you dont lose those little things. Thats right put them on your person stuffem in your pocket. Tiny you got yours right make sure you put those on your person too. Lets hit this awards show. Damn should have used GPS fu** it well just make an illegal U Turn. Damn we are getting pulled over. This sh** must be racist I got rights just ask my probation officer. Stop giving your energy, time , and money to support criminals especially dumb ones with money. OJ wasnt a victim nor is The King, as Jay Z said “my president is black” lets give credit to people who make mistakes, pay a price, and move on to become better people. Mr. Vick was found to be responsible for running a dog fighting ring and had to do like two years. He had no prior offenses that I know of. The race card is wasted on this one. Stop fooling yourself and think that the white man is holding you down or somehow you are limited because of prejudice. We have a president who is last i looked at least half black. Yes racism still exists. You can just read the comments above and see that there just might be some who felt they should educate or at least voice thier opinion for the rest of us to read. I am a white man who is married to a beautiiful woman who happens to be african american. I have never really felt too much racism from one side or the other as I grew up a Military Brat and have never deprived myself from meeting and befriending good people some happen to be latin, white and black. Just amazed me to read some of the comments and still am confused on why some feel that someone who was given a second chance that is pretty much unheard of and ruins it gets so much sympathy. Use your head, educated yourself and at least know what your talking about before using racism as the motive behind sending T.I. to spend an extra month in jail. There are too many men, black, latino and white who work hard and dont ever have the luxury of money who are single fathers, volunteer to coach youth teams, arent in contact with the police on a regular basis and yet here we are discussing how T.I. was a victim. Educate, take personal responsibility and if your dad wasnt around use that as motivation to be around. Civil Rights marchers faced racism. Dogs attacking, and firehouses being used to put down any resistance thats racism. Rodney King was a victim of racism. Sorry T.I.’s situation argued to be a result of a racist agenda really takes away from those who have been victimized by discrimination.

  9. To all who entered negative responses on this subject. You need to listen to yourself and your ignorance. Get your mind right. TI committed the crime, did the time. When he stepped out of that prison, whether he was going to a half way house or to his own house, he was on his own. There is no law that states how he has to get there. Not only that, but I’m sure he is lawyered up and they advised him. And another thing, he had the reality show on the bus taping. I’m sure they were lawyered up as well. Yes my friends, race played a significant factor in this situation. When white men step out of that prison and step into their luxurious cars, they don’t get pulled over and re-arrested. The systems has been messing with our black men since the beginning of time. That’s T.I.’s money. If he wants to flaunt it, that’s his business and his choice to make. Don’t be hating. Just go out there, make your paper and do with it as your please.
    Mr. White man, glad you got yourself a black women. We know we are queens, so you actually lucked out, but what’s wrong is wrong. Where’s the legality to this situation.
    T.I. & wifey, keep your head up, don’t let them take you down, like they try to do to each and every one of our rappers like they on a black list or something. The minute you make it, they put the raddar on you, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t care for rap or rappers. Go Figure!

  10. Who cares? T.I. is a well respected rapper. Very good at it. He is a lousy citizen. I don’t wish anything bad on him. I just hate to always hear “the white man” excuse. Lots of folks are from poor backgrounds. It is not an excuse. Love it or hate it, economic mobility is one of the great features of U.S. society.
    The funny thing is to me is how so many like to glorify hood status, drugs, pimping, sagging, lack good use of proper English, so on and on…, but always hollering “the white man”!

    Why don’t people just say the real reason is poor judgement and bad decision making. There are lots of racial problems in America/the world, but family, education, and dignity are not a part of that. I don’t know T.I. or Tiny beyond the media. Let’s see them be the first to stand up and be accountable.

    No real change comes without struggle and rejection of falsehoods.

  11. I agree with some of the comments about T.I. but my thought is this, what is the big deal that he left on a tour bus, what was the harm, i mean come one, who dont know who he is, right? 2. I do feel that he should have not done ANYTHING for those a$$holes to use against him. They (white man) cant stand the fact that he is a beautiful young talented BLACK man with money and power and known all over the world. They cant stand it!! T.I. is also not bowing down to the bullsh*t in hollywood like the other rappers are. That is another reason he is on the devil’s sh*t lists. Keep your head up T.I. God has your back. Tiny keep your man’s back girl. Follow in the footsteps of our ancestors (strong black women) who have had their men’s back through constroversey. My prayers are with you guys!!!!

  12. These two individuals don’t seemto understand their role in perpetuating this punishment based correctional base “justice” system. For their oblivious arrogance is the crux of his initial incarceration. Now anything pursuiant on his part will ensure his guilt. Mr & Mrs. T.I. need a prescription of humility pills for at least decade. His needs to be court mandated .

  13. This is pure BS and harassment, if he’s smart, he’ll just say to hell with it and leave that racist state.

  14. all i can say is that we obviously do not have all the facts

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